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Ideal solution for concrete structures worldwide.

The compelling benefits of ICF are quickly being recognized by builders, developers, government agencies and entrepreneurs across the world.

ICF is one of the fastest growing segements of the global construction industry. Not to mention it is 100% compatible with LGS steel framing, together comprising the fastest constructed, most cost effective and eco-friendly building system available.

Our ICF manufacturing system was the first to be approved in Abu Dhabi, emphasizing the global demand for eco-friendly and money-saving building solutions. It is completely adaptable in regions such as the Middle East, where construction is done mainly with concrete and steel.  In any region marked by widespread development, ICF provides a faster and more cost-effective path to project completion and profitability.

ICF is essentially the ideal sutainable material for virtually any concrete structure, with the flexibility to function in almost any climate on planet Earth. 

Build faster to save money in the long run.

Insulate concrete forms ICF) are firm polystyrene foam pieces that are arranged to form a structure that does two things: (1) it holds poured concrete in place during curing, and (2) it remains in place to provide thermal insulation for concrete walls.

Because it is so lightweight, ICF goes up quickly and easily. Continuous furring strips, universal blocks, and pre-molded corners rapidly speed up exterior siding and interior drywall installation. It also requires less labor to erect, which contributes to further cost savings.

Blocks can be cut and shaped onsite with common tools, and forms are attached to one another using simple fasteners. Electrical wiring is run through grooves cut right into the foam blocks.  Given the ease of erecting ICF rapidly, an ICF structure can take half the time it takes to build a tradiional framed structure.

Even though the intial cost of constructing an ICF structure is typically more than one built from conventional materials, the finished structure ultimately pays for itself in energy cost savings and structural performance. The return on investment in many cases of ICF construction takes less than five years. Builders can look to save around 25% total cost when all is said and done.   

Versatility for any location on the map.

ENERGY - When it comes to energy savings, ICF provides unparalleled energy efficiency. With superior R-values to any other frame construction, ICF prevents hot and cold spots, air infiltration and leakage. And it effectiely shifts thermal loading from peak temperatures. Because of its higher insulation values, ICF makes it possible to regulate temperature throughout a structure with smaller, less expensive cooling and heating units. Buildings with ICF thus cost less to heat and cool, and its performance will not downgrade over time.

HEALTH - ICF completely blocks out airborne contaminants,  as well as dust and common allergens. It leaves no spacings for mold, mildew or pests. Additionally, the chemical composition of ICF materials are non-toxic and will not produce off-gas., leaving only a clean and comfortable living environment.

STRENGTH - ICF delivers the strength and security of reinforced concrete. Capable of resisting wind speeds of 200 mph  (322 kilometers), ICF structures are also rated to withstand earthquakes in zone 4 areas. 

Because ICF forms are constructed of flame-retardant additives, ICF structures are fire rated to not fail structurally when subjected to intense heat. In addition to its high impact resistance, the structural performance of ICF is permanent, meaning it will not rot, decay or give way to pests.


SOUND - ICF provides exceptional sound attenuation. This is an very important feature in multi-family housing and multi-story complexes, where sound transmittal can be a potential problem for building owners. ICF creates an effective sound barrier that results in a quiet interior environment.


ECO-FRIENDLY - ICF optimizes energy consumption within a building by minimizing  overall energy use by anywhere from 30% to 80%, depending on the size of the building.  ICF can be produced from recycled polystyrene, and the material itself, like LGS, is 100% recyclable. And no harmful chemicals are involved in production. 

ICF construction generates considerably less onsite waste than traditional construction, which ultimately leads to a reduction in chemical emissions from land filling and methane. Choosing ICF over wood framing also conserves trees and raw building materials, which contributes to the worldwide effort to create a cleaner, greener global environment.  

Insulated Concrete Forms

(434) 298-3984

1284 North West Ave
Blackstone, VA 23824

©2016 by SCCI Global.

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